Oklahoma City
Clinical Hypnotherapy


IF you are sick and tired of being sick and tired... AND think it might be time to let go of old tools, belief systems and habits... THAT just don’t work anymore.

IF you are ready to manage your emotions, thoughts and life…IN big and powerful ways.

  • IT’s time for a happier life.

  • IT’s time for peace, control and a refreshed MIND.

  • IT’s time for HYPNOTHERAPY!

What would transform your life?

FREEDOM - Stop smoking forever


Lower stress & anxiety



Natural, safe & effective weight loss


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Deep, restful, restorative sleep


What hypnosis &

Have you ever been lost in your own thoughts while driving, reading a book, watching a movie, or doing something you love? If you have, you’ve experienced a form of hypnosis. Hypnosis natural occurrence that can be experienced throughout the day.

Hypnotherapy is the therapeutic application of hypnosis. Under the guidance of a Licensed Hypnotherapist, clients learn to turn inward to tap into their own natural resources to regain control or make much wanted and needed changes in their lives.

Meet Renae Cerquitella

I have seen amazing transformations in the lives of so many people. And it’s so much easier that what the conscious mind can argue.
— Renae Cerquitella

Renae Cerquitella’s credentials include: Master of Human Relations from the University of Oklahoma, a Bachelor of Psychology and Sociology from Southeastern State University, and Functional Family Therapy (FFT) trained. State certification from Hypnotherapy Academy of America, Fellow of the International Board of Hypnotherapy (FIBH), with more than 6,000 hours of hypnotherapy delivered. State certification in Behavior Health Case Management (BHCM) and coaching certifications in Professional Coaching (CPC), Life Coaching (CLC) and Relationship Coaching (CRC) from the World Coaching Institute (WCI).

Visit the MINDFEED Channel

Learn more about the everyday uses of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Then find your way to Renae’s YouTube Channel to learn even more about hypnotherapy and powerful affirmations.


I’m ready when you are!

Whether you live in the Oklahoma City area or in the South Pacific, Oklahoma City Clinical Hypnotherapy can bring transformation and control to you life.

For your convenience, I offer virtual sessions, so you can stay put and comfortable from the safety of your own home or office.

Contact me today to schedule your No-Cost or Obligation Consultation and learn more about what hypnosis can do for you!